'About Computer'에 해당되는 글 162건
- 2015.12.18 [Algorithm] Graph
- 2015.12.17 [Algorithm] Sorting Algorithm
- 2015.12.17 [Algorithm] Master Theorem and its application
- 2015.12.17 [Algorithm] Big O, Omega, Theta and its application
- 2015.08.13 [Linear Algebra] Eigenvalue and Eigenvector 5
- 2015.07.31 [Linear Algebra] How to calculate Determinant of nxn Matrix A 1
- 2015.07.28 [Linear Algebra] Determinant of matrix 2
- 2015.07.22 [Linear Algebra] Gram-Schemidt Process and Factorization to A = QR
- 2015.07.21 [Linear Algebra] Orthonormal Vector and its usefulness
- 2015.07.12 [Linear Algebra] Projection onto a line and a subspace 2